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Global Forums > Ski / Snowboarding > Any nordic ski heading to LA VATTAY, Givrine etc... ?
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Any nordic ski heading to LA VATTAY, Givrine etc... ?


I am a nordic ski lover, with no car.

I am looking for a regular/frequent practitioner who is driving from Geneva/Ferney Voltaire to nordic ski domains around Geneva (La Vattay, Givrine, Les rousses etc..) and back to Geneva-

You are not supposed to do the same circuits as me once on the spot, because I am a fast skier practicing long distances

Please let me know if you agree to take me there and back: I am willing to pay you a part of your transport expenses. 

English speaking Level: Medium

The text you are quoting:


I am a nordic ski lover, with no car.

I am looking for a regular/frequent practitioner who is driving from Geneva/Ferney Voltaire to nordic ski domains around Geneva (La Vattay, Givrine, Les rousses etc..) and back to Geneva-

You are not supposed to do the same circuits as me once on the spot, because I am a fast skier practicing long distances

Please let me know if you agree to take me there and back: I am willing to pay you a part of your transport expenses. 

English speaking Level: Medium

chippenguyFeb 12, 2017 @ 12:12
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