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My French for your Portuguese (Brazil)


I am a native French speaker and I would like to do a language exchange with a native Portuguese speaking person. I am looking for someone who is from Brazil as I am considering the idea of maybe moving there. My level is hard to define. I can read and understand well, but my speaking skills are lower. I would need some help for the grammar but my speaking part is still my priority.

Let me know if you are interested.


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I am a native French speaker and I would like to do a language exchange with a native Portuguese speaking person. I am looking for someone who is from Brazil as I am considering the idea of maybe moving there. My level is hard to define. I can read and understand well, but my speaking skills are lower. I would need some help for the grammar but my speaking part is still my priority.

Let me know if you are interested.


Alex BJul 27, 2010 @ 01:11
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Re: My French for your Portuguese (Brazil)
Post 1

salut, Alex!

Je suis un professeur d'université et journaliste, je crois que je peux vous aider. également rechercher des moyens d'apprendre le français, nous pouvons organiser une réunion et parler un peu à ce sujet. désolé pour mon français 

écrivez-moi hpolidoro@gmail.com
a bient-tôt
The text you are quoting:

salut, Alex!

Je suis un professeur d'université et journaliste, je crois que je peux vous aider. également rechercher des moyens d'apprendre le français, nous pouvons organiser une réunion et parler un peu à ce sujet. désolé pour mon français 

écrivez-moi hpolidoro@gmail.com
a bient-tôt
HENRIQUE POLIDORO, Oct 26, 2010 @ 16:10
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