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Advice on Microsoft exams

Hey Guys,

So long story short, I have decided to do the MTA exam on database fundamentals (98-364) and was in need of some advice regarding the preparation of it.

Personally, I don't think doing a course for it is the way for me to go. From what I've seen they're far too expensive and in my opinion not worth it especially for an exam this basic. However, any recommendations on books/resources that can help me learn by my self would be much appreciated.

Also, if by any chance any of you have written this exam before, please do feel free to share your experiences, any information you may remember about the exam (length, type: short answer/mutliple choice, most occurring topics etc.) plus any additional tips on how to be best prepared for it.

Looking forward to your responses. Thanks a lot :)


The text you are quoting:

Hey Guys,

So long story short, I have decided to do the MTA exam on database fundamentals (98-364) and was in need of some advice regarding the preparation of it.

Personally, I don't think doing a course for it is the way for me to go. From what I've seen they're far too expensive and in my opinion not worth it especially for an exam this basic. However, any recommendations on books/resources that can help me learn by my self would be much appreciated.

Also, if by any chance any of you have written this exam before, please do feel free to share your experiences, any information you may remember about the exam (length, type: short answer/mutliple choice, most occurring topics etc.) plus any additional tips on how to be best prepared for it.

Looking forward to your responses. Thanks a lot :)


Rochana PMay 2, 2018 @ 00:58
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