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Global Forums > General > Buying a house in France / pay French tax?
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Buying a house in France / pay French tax?

Hi everyone. I have a quick question around this in case anyone happens to have some experience / knowledge that they could share, would really appreciate any info

I am looking at the possibility of buying a house in the South of France (near Toulon) for my Mother to live in (permanently - as her only residence/property). I would stay living in Geneva 100% of the time. Would I need to pay any sort of income tax in France if I did this?

Many thanks,


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Hi everyone. I have a quick question around this in case anyone happens to have some experience / knowledge that they could share, would really appreciate any info

I am looking at the possibility of buying a house in the South of France (near Toulon) for my Mother to live in (permanently - as her only residence/property). I would stay living in Geneva 100% of the time. Would I need to pay any sort of income tax in France if I did this?

Many thanks,


Joe EJan 16, 2017 @ 14:02
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