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Generali not granting insurance claim?

Hi -

Just a shout out to see if anyone has experience with Generali engaging in suspect behavior when an insurance claim was filed.

We've caught them in mistruths and inconsistencies trying to avoid our claim. Do they have a reputation for this sort of behavior.


Appreciate the feedback!



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Hi -

Just a shout out to see if anyone has experience with Generali engaging in suspect behavior when an insurance claim was filed.

We've caught them in mistruths and inconsistencies trying to avoid our claim. Do they have a reputation for this sort of behavior.


Appreciate the feedback!



Ema MFeb 22, 2017 @ 16:42
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Re: Generali not granting insurance claim?
Post 1

Not exactly, but my experience with them is similar... I went to see them for an update last year. The contract they sent me then had 3 mistakes (all in their favor - what a surprise!)

- 2 discounts had been forgotten.

- The rate to insure some type of item was 3 times what they told me.

The clerk in charge of my file gave inconsistent replies to my mails and then didn't reply at all.

I had to send a registered snail mail to the agency's director, threatening to sue them to have them straighten their mess.

The text you are quoting:

Not exactly, but my experience with them is similar... I went to see them for an update last year. The contract they sent me then had 3 mistakes (all in their favor - what a surprise!)

- 2 discounts had been forgotten.

- The rate to insure some type of item was 3 times what they told me.

The clerk in charge of my file gave inconsistent replies to my mails and then didn't reply at all.

I had to send a registered snail mail to the agency's director, threatening to sue them to have them straighten their mess.

Casuistik, Feb 23, 2017 @ 00:17
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