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Global Forums > General > Should I allow my 14 year old daughter to wear crop tops?
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Should I allow my 14 year old daughter to wear crop tops?

Hi, we were out shopping today and my daughter asked me if she could buy these cropped tops which she liked. I said yes at the time but now when I see them at home it seems a bit too revealing. Her school doesn't have a dress code so she wears them to school.
What are your thoughts and opinions on teenagers wearing cropped tops and do you think they are appropriate in Switzerland?


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Hi, we were out shopping today and my daughter asked me if she could buy these cropped tops which she liked. I said yes at the time but now when I see them at home it seems a bit too revealing. Her school doesn't have a dress code so she wears them to school.
What are your thoughts and opinions on teenagers wearing cropped tops and do you think they are appropriate in Switzerland?


Morton ChrisMar 24, 2018 @ 19:31
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