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Switching from CSS to Sanitas


   I know there are always this kind of questions every year, but still want to ask an advice.I was for 2 years with CSS insuarance. But I never visited a doctor these 2 years.  This year seems they have premiums increased. I checked comparis.ch and found that with  the same dedactibles I will pay for me and my wife 80 CHF less each month. 

I am just wondering If someone had an experiance with sanitas? Was it good or not? Especially in case of pregnancy?

And one more question about complementary insuarance:) Does anyone knows what services complementary insuarance may have, that is worst to buy?  


Best Regards, Alex

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   I know there are always this kind of questions every year, but still want to ask an advice.I was for 2 years with CSS insuarance. But I never visited a doctor these 2 years.  This year seems they have premiums increased. I checked comparis.ch and found that with  the same dedactibles I will pay for me and my wife 80 CHF less each month. 

I am just wondering If someone had an experiance with sanitas? Was it good or not? Especially in case of pregnancy?

And one more question about complementary insuarance:) Does anyone knows what services complementary insuarance may have, that is worst to buy?  


Best Regards, Alex

Alex BOct 26, 2016 @ 19:09
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Re: Switching from CSS to Sanitas
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Sanitas is one of the most expensive companies on the market and while in my experience they do reimburse routine bills pretty quickly, they nit-pick wherever else they can.  For example, in my case they queried the number of eye injections I was having while in the care of a HUG professor.  The situation did get sorted finally but it was pretty worrying at the time, not least because the injections are 4-figure jobs.

I can’t say anything about their pregnancy coverage, but if a legal loop-hole didn’t prevent it, I’d have left Sanitas many years ago.

Sorry not to be more encouraging.


The text you are quoting:

Sanitas is one of the most expensive companies on the market and while in my experience they do reimburse routine bills pretty quickly, they nit-pick wherever else they can.  For example, in my case they queried the number of eye injections I was having while in the care of a HUG professor.  The situation did get sorted finally but it was pretty worrying at the time, not least because the injections are 4-figure jobs.

I can’t say anything about their pregnancy coverage, but if a legal loop-hole didn’t prevent it, I’d have left Sanitas many years ago.

Sorry not to be more encouraging.


Ritchie, Oct 26, 2016 @ 21:48
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