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Vitus is a Swiss movie and a good one, so it is important to say it because it is not that often that it happens!!!! Ok it's not a hollywood blockbuster but sometimes it's good for the brain to see something else...

Vitus is about lfe, dreames, the right to have your owns... both the right to be different and to be like others... it is poetic and with sweet humour...

Bruno Ganz (candide and sweet as in Pane & Tulipani) is great and the young 'Wunderkind' is an actual virtuose piano player...

However if you want to see it, you need to speak Swiss German or French or read French.

Do not forget to dream!!! and as Vitus says: Planes are most safe on the ground but they are meant to fly!
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Vitus is a Swiss movie and a good one, so it is important to say it because it is not that often that it happens!!!! Ok it's not a hollywood blockbuster but sometimes it's good for the brain to see something else...

Vitus is about lfe, dreames, the right to have your owns... both the right to be different and to be like others... it is poetic and with sweet humour...

Bruno Ganz (candide and sweet as in Pane & Tulipani) is great and the young 'Wunderkind' is an actual virtuose piano player...

However if you want to see it, you need to speak Swiss German or French or read French.

Do not forget to dream!!! and as Vitus says: Planes are most safe on the ground but they are meant to fly!
inmoodforMar 20, 2007 @ 23:01
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