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Fresh of the boat....

Hey guys,


I'm Danny, 26. I've just moved to Geneva (unsure which area to choose) for a new contract with work. I would love to meet new people and mix wiith local life. I only speak English but I'm really keen to pick up the language ASAP So If anyone can help with showing me around, introducing me to friends,  leading me astray and or teaching me French, id be forever in your debt!

many thanks 



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Hey guys,


I'm Danny, 26. I've just moved to Geneva (unsure which area to choose) for a new contract with work. I would love to meet new people and mix wiith local life. I only speak English but I'm really keen to pick up the language ASAP So If anyone can help with showing me around, introducing me to friends,  leading me astray and or teaching me French, id be forever in your debt!

many thanks 



Danny JacksonJul 20, 2014 @ 09:09
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