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From Singapore to Switzerland - Geneva here I come : )

It is amazing how small our world has become, one day you find yourself in a lush tropical jungle, the other you end up in the Alps gazing at magnificent snow-capped mountains. My friend is a modern Sinbad as he travelled to most countries and lived through many experiences, yet he still has a thirst for travel and adventure; my friend is a very old fellow by the way. I hope that by being in Geneva for my internship, I would learn and enjoy at the same time. I am looking forward for my stay in Switzerland and making a lot of new friends and acquaintances. See you soon Geneva; please welcome me with open arms!

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It is amazing how small our world has become, one day you find yourself in a lush tropical jungle, the other you end up in the Alps gazing at magnificent snow-capped mountains. My friend is a modern Sinbad as he travelled to most countries and lived through many experiences, yet he still has a thirst for travel and adventure; my friend is a very old fellow by the way. I hope that by being in Geneva for my internship, I would learn and enjoy at the same time. I am looking forward for my stay in Switzerland and making a lot of new friends and acquaintances. See you soon Geneva; please welcome me with open arms!

Marwan GAug 18, 2011 @ 00:09
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