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Introducing Myself!

Having moved here from the UK 6 months ago - can't quite believe how quickly that's gone - we've only just happened upon Glocals and I'm looking forward to getting involved.....

I'm enjoying life in Pullly and Simon - my husband - is settling into work in Lausanne. I'm searching for work as an IT Project Manager but, haven't had any luck just yet and trying hard to master French, actually just being able to hold a conversation would be nice :O)
I like riding my bike, yoga, swimming,walking, reading and socialising and I'm not quite sure what else to say as an intro so Hello, and I look forward to meeting some of you soon.

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Having moved here from the UK 6 months ago - can't quite believe how quickly that's gone - we've only just happened upon Glocals and I'm looking forward to getting involved.....

I'm enjoying life in Pullly and Simon - my husband - is settling into work in Lausanne. I'm searching for work as an IT Project Manager but, haven't had any luck just yet and trying hard to master French, actually just being able to hold a conversation would be nice :O)
I like riding my bike, yoga, swimming,walking, reading and socialising and I'm not quite sure what else to say as an intro so Hello, and I look forward to meeting some of you soon.

Elianne AAug 30, 2010 @ 11:25
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Re: Introducing Myself!
Post 1

Welcome to Gva and more importantly to Glocals.... Smile

The text you are quoting:

Welcome to Gva and more importantly to Glocals.... Smile

Charlie, Aug 30, 2010 @ 15:43
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