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Just arrived!

Goooooood morning Geneva!

I have arrived here on Monday and for now stay at the hostel in Saint Genis Pouilly (just across the border) but I am planning to move to the Geneva downtown as soon as possible.

I am an IT guy with MEng diploma and will be working here for CERN. I like traveling, hiking, cooking, bollywood movies, asian food, meeting new people and photography, but most of all I like beer and I hope that at least the latter one creates a common ground for us.

Let me know if you are up for a beer, party or both at the same time. (I guess a cup of coffee during the daylight won't kill me neither)



The text you are quoting:

Goooooood morning Geneva!

I have arrived here on Monday and for now stay at the hostel in Saint Genis Pouilly (just across the border) but I am planning to move to the Geneva downtown as soon as possible.

I am an IT guy with MEng diploma and will be working here for CERN. I like traveling, hiking, cooking, bollywood movies, asian food, meeting new people and photography, but most of all I like beer and I hope that at least the latter one creates a common ground for us.

Let me know if you are up for a beer, party or both at the same time. (I guess a cup of coffee during the daylight won't kill me neither)



Lukasz JOct 1, 2014 @ 20:51
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