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Just got here!!

Hi everyone,

Been living in Zurich for the past 5 years and have now decided to explore the French part of Switzerland. Also Came to Geneva for a new job and to improve my French

Grew up in Canada and have lived in London for a bit too.

Looking forward to meeting some new friends here to hang out with and maybe do some weekend trips around the area.

Enjoy lots of sports, music, movies and travelling. I just got off an amazing backpacking trip from Central America.

So, hope to meet you soon and to get the Geneva experience



The text you are quoting:

Hi everyone,

Been living in Zurich for the past 5 years and have now decided to explore the French part of Switzerland. Also Came to Geneva for a new job and to improve my French

Grew up in Canada and have lived in London for a bit too.

Looking forward to meeting some new friends here to hang out with and maybe do some weekend trips around the area.

Enjoy lots of sports, music, movies and travelling. I just got off an amazing backpacking trip from Central America.

So, hope to meet you soon and to get the Geneva experience



Brian ROct 30, 2010 @ 21:56
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