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Members living in Berne

Hi members of Berne comunity,

I'm Lee, from Brazil. I live sooooooo long in Berne, Elfenau. Married, with a 13 years old daughter at home.
 I love having friends all over the world. I got friends in New York, Miami, North Carolina, London, Portugal, Brazil and Switzerland.
Now, I am hoping to meet new people in my own town, Berne.

I hope someone will drop me a line and we can go out for a coffee, in the afternoon or a glass of wine in the evening.
I like movies, literature and trips :-))



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Hi members of Berne comunity,

I'm Lee, from Brazil. I live sooooooo long in Berne, Elfenau. Married, with a 13 years old daughter at home.
 I love having friends all over the world. I got friends in New York, Miami, North Carolina, London, Portugal, Brazil and Switzerland.
Now, I am hoping to meet new people in my own town, Berne.

I hope someone will drop me a line and we can go out for a coffee, in the afternoon or a glass of wine in the evening.
I like movies, literature and trips :-))



lee messerliDec 19, 2010 @ 08:44
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