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Need room to rent 12 Sept - 02 Oct


I'm looking for a room to rent from 12 Sept-02 Oct whilst doing an internship with the British Mission to the UN in Geneva.  I'm a 23 year old female, currently living in London and just coming to the end of my MA in International Studies and Diplomacy.  I'm laid back and friendly and not looking to spend an extortionate amount on rent.  My budget is around 450-600 CHF for the 3 weeks.  I'm having trouble finding affordable accommodation because the university halls and foyer places all seem to be full due to students being back by then.  The Youth Hostel only lets you stay for 6 nights.  If anyone knows anywhere I could stay/has a spare room to rent/knows someone with a room then please get in touch!

Your advice would be much appreciated.  Contact: [email protected].




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I'm looking for a room to rent from 12 Sept-02 Oct whilst doing an internship with the British Mission to the UN in Geneva.  I'm a 23 year old female, currently living in London and just coming to the end of my MA in International Studies and Diplomacy.  I'm laid back and friendly and not looking to spend an extortionate amount on rent.  My budget is around 450-600 CHF for the 3 weeks.  I'm having trouble finding affordable accommodation because the university halls and foyer places all seem to be full due to students being back by then.  The Youth Hostel only lets you stay for 6 nights.  If anyone knows anywhere I could stay/has a spare room to rent/knows someone with a room then please get in touch!

Your advice would be much appreciated.  Contact: [email protected].




Elizabeth JohnsonAug 26, 2010 @ 02:02
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