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New Kids on the Block, Lausanne

My husband and I arrived in Lausanne with our dog in July 2011. We're still in the process of finding jobs, an apartment and the best deals from chicken to health insurance to toothpaste, so if you have any words of wisdom to share or are in the same boat, please say hello! Lausanne seems pretty cool though, reminds me of San Francisco in the US and a little of Cape Town in South Africa. Very important question to all females out there without a car - what kind of shoes do you all wear when walking up and down these hills all day...? I can't keep wearing my hiking boots with everything, but it's the only pair of shoes practical enough and not painful to get by in.

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My husband and I arrived in Lausanne with our dog in July 2011. We're still in the process of finding jobs, an apartment and the best deals from chicken to health insurance to toothpaste, so if you have any words of wisdom to share or are in the same boat, please say hello! Lausanne seems pretty cool though, reminds me of San Francisco in the US and a little of Cape Town in South Africa. Very important question to all females out there without a car - what kind of shoes do you all wear when walking up and down these hills all day...? I can't keep wearing my hiking boots with everything, but it's the only pair of shoes practical enough and not painful to get by in.

Ronel RAug 8, 2011 @ 11:25
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