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moving to Geneva in 2011, Information Technology and Marketing Consulting

Hi everyone!

I'm moving to Geneva next year (in 2011),

My professional background includes 15 years on Information Technology, Marketing and Business Consulting.

I'm portuguese with an excellent english and spanish level, but my french is at a very basic level.

I've been applying to some job posts but lately most opportunities require both English and French fluency.

For Swiss IT market is the lack of French an issue?
Wich kind of companies are more flexible to contract candidates with English fluency only?
Where do you advise me to improve my french?

Can you provide some help on this matter?

Best regards,

Mónica da Silva

The text you are quoting:

Hi everyone!

I'm moving to Geneva next year (in 2011),

My professional background includes 15 years on Information Technology, Marketing and Business Consulting.

I'm portuguese with an excellent english and spanish level, but my french is at a very basic level.

I've been applying to some job posts but lately most opportunities require both English and French fluency.

For Swiss IT market is the lack of French an issue?
Wich kind of companies are more flexible to contract candidates with English fluency only?
Where do you advise me to improve my french?

Can you provide some help on this matter?

Best regards,

Mónica da Silva

Monica SilvaDec 9, 2010 @ 21:20
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