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Frenchman moving to Moscow
Hi there!

As I am moving to Moscow in the beginning of next year, I have a few questions about the do/don't do about the daily life in this city.

Please note that I already purchased few books about this subject which encompasses broadly related-subjects but those guides rarely tell you figures and would like to know few tips about the situation now in Moscow.

(Only answering few of my questions would be a great help but you can always give me more hints about living in this (must-be?)great city..)

Now here's some questions (!):

-if the property rental mkt came down due to the crisis,

-which currency is it better to be paid in,

-the most common scheme for social insurance, (btw I will have a local based labor contract).

-labor protection (if any ):ermm:

-any advices on tax-related issues as I am French.

-importing a car

-open a GOL branch in Moscow :hehe:.

Many thanks in advance!!

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Hi there!

As I am moving to Moscow in the beginning of next year, I have a few questions about the do/don't do about the daily life in this city.

Please note that I already purchased few books about this subject which encompasses broadly related-subjects but those guides rarely tell you figures and would like to know few tips about the situation now in Moscow.

(Only answering few of my questions would be a great help but you can always give me more hints about living in this (must-be?)great city..)

Now here's some questions (!):

-if the property rental mkt came down due to the crisis,

-which currency is it better to be paid in,

-the most common scheme for social insurance, (btw I will have a local based labor contract).

-labor protection (if any ):ermm:

-any advices on tax-related issues as I am French.

-importing a car

-open a GOL branch in Moscow :hehe:.

Many thanks in advance!!

Xav45Nov 10, 2008 @ 22:21
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