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Medical Insurance/Bank Account

Hi all!

I have to purchase Swiss medical insurance and open a Swiss bank account (required by my employer for my salary). I have a few questions regarding each.

Regarding the Swiss medical insurance, I am unsure where to begin. I have looked up a few companies. I am mainly looking for an affordable option.

Regarding the Swiss bank account, I am looking for a bank that provides a good checking & savings account. This may be a long shot--but I am interested in a bank account that can accept my salary (made in Swiss francs) and make payments in American dollars.

Thank you all for your help! I really appreciate it.



The text you are quoting:

Hi all!

I have to purchase Swiss medical insurance and open a Swiss bank account (required by my employer for my salary). I have a few questions regarding each.

Regarding the Swiss medical insurance, I am unsure where to begin. I have looked up a few companies. I am mainly looking for an affordable option.

Regarding the Swiss bank account, I am looking for a bank that provides a good checking & savings account. This may be a long shot--but I am interested in a bank account that can accept my salary (made in Swiss francs) and make payments in American dollars.

Thank you all for your help! I really appreciate it.



Luke WilsonJan 11, 2020 @ 17:34
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Re: Medical Insurance/Bank Account
Post 1

Hi Luke,

Have a look at this site to compare the premiums of different insurers: https://en.comparis.ch/krankenkassen/default?utm_source=googlead&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=kk_krankenkasse_fr_kk_2019_herbst&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5vj6-piA5wIVWeN3Ch3QegmsEAAYASAAEgJW7vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Concerning the selection of a bank do not expect to find any with a generous remuneration on a savings account. We live through a period of negative interests in Switzerland and a number of banks charge you interests on deposits above a certain threshold. I recommend simply comparing the fees for a current account and tor remittances to the US charged by the major banks such as PostFinance, UBS, Banque Cantonale de Genève, and Crédit Suisse.

 I hope that helps, best regards,



The text you are quoting:

Hi Luke,

Have a look at this site to compare the premiums of different insurers: https://en.comparis.ch/krankenkassen/default?utm_source=googlead&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=kk_krankenkasse_fr_kk_2019_herbst&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5vj6-piA5wIVWeN3Ch3QegmsEAAYASAAEgJW7vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Concerning the selection of a bank do not expect to find any with a generous remuneration on a savings account. We live through a period of negative interests in Switzerland and a number of banks charge you interests on deposits above a certain threshold. I recommend simply comparing the fees for a current account and tor remittances to the US charged by the major banks such as PostFinance, UBS, Banque Cantonale de Genève, and Crédit Suisse.

 I hope that helps, best regards,



André Graf, Jan 13, 2020 @ 10:07
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