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Massage trade for aspiring massage therapists

Hello everyone,

It seems there are not too many massage therapists interested in the trade I've proposed so I thought I'd adjust it a little to open it up for a massage trade for any aspiring massage therapists who would like to be informally trained...

I've been studying and practicing deep tissue massage now for about 8 years and have recently moved to Geneva to find the prices a little too steep for regular massages...so I thought I would see if there are any other therapists or aspiring therapists out there who would like to do a trade on a fairly regular basis?

All the best and look forward to connecting!



The text you are quoting:

Hello everyone,

It seems there are not too many massage therapists interested in the trade I've proposed so I thought I'd adjust it a little to open it up for a massage trade for any aspiring massage therapists who would like to be informally trained...

I've been studying and practicing deep tissue massage now for about 8 years and have recently moved to Geneva to find the prices a little too steep for regular massages...so I thought I would see if there are any other therapists or aspiring therapists out there who would like to do a trade on a fairly regular basis?

All the best and look forward to connecting!



Brandon LAug 23, 2012 @ 14:11
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