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Parenting - child separation issues


Was anyone seperated from a parent in childhood?  If so, and if you're willing to discuss it, I would really appreciate the chance to hear about this from the child's persopective. I lost access to my daughter a few years ago. The mother used her diplomatic immunity to prevent any contact between me and my daughter. I'm now doing some research to understand better how this may affect my daughter. 

you are very welcome to email on [email protected] 

big thanks


The text you are quoting:


Was anyone seperated from a parent in childhood?  If so, and if you're willing to discuss it, I would really appreciate the chance to hear about this from the child's persopective. I lost access to my daughter a few years ago. The mother used her diplomatic immunity to prevent any contact between me and my daughter. I'm now doing some research to understand better how this may affect my daughter. 

you are very welcome to email on [email protected] 

big thanks


BigglesDec 23, 2016 @ 16:12
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