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RC insurance when renting

Hi All,

In my rental contract, it is written that I need to provide "attestation d'assurance RC et bris de glace" . I tried searching for it online, but I am getting a varied results with some suggesting I should be getting a household insurance and some suggesting a personal liability insurance. Has anyone applied for such a insurance or know what it means? I want to get the bare minimum insurance required to the fulfil this RC insurnace critieria in my rental contract. Any suggestions on suitable insurance products is highly appreciated?

The text you are quoting:

Hi All,

In my rental contract, it is written that I need to provide "attestation d'assurance RC et bris de glace" . I tried searching for it online, but I am getting a varied results with some suggesting I should be getting a household insurance and some suggesting a personal liability insurance. Has anyone applied for such a insurance or know what it means? I want to get the bare minimum insurance required to the fulfil this RC insurnace critieria in my rental contract. Any suggestions on suitable insurance products is highly appreciated?

Pranav RaiSep 11, 2022 @ 18:48
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Re: RC insurance when renting
Post 1

Hi Pranav,

This relates to a "private liability insurance" which is not mandatory by law but can be required by contract depending on Canton. Geneva is one Canton where it is generally required as part of rental contracts.

Its a standard policy that covers breakages, glass/windows, damage etc... some even cover you outside the apartment for injury /damage etc you might cause to others or property. This means you are covered should your damages exceed the deposit you will have paid on your apartment.

Most insurance companies offer this. Axa / Helvetia / Alliance / etc 

If you look on www.Comparis.ch, you will be able to get quotes and set up a policy quickly to adhere to your rental contract obligations.

If you have any items of value, it's worth also getting household insurance, which is different, and covers you against theft, fire damage etc (which the liability insurance doesn't cover you for).

Hope this helps.

The text you are quoting:

Hi Pranav,

This relates to a "private liability insurance" which is not mandatory by law but can be required by contract depending on Canton. Geneva is one Canton where it is generally required as part of rental contracts.

Its a standard policy that covers breakages, glass/windows, damage etc... some even cover you outside the apartment for injury /damage etc you might cause to others or property. This means you are covered should your damages exceed the deposit you will have paid on your apartment.

Most insurance companies offer this. Axa / Helvetia / Alliance / etc 

If you look on www.Comparis.ch, you will be able to get quotes and set up a policy quickly to adhere to your rental contract obligations.

If you have any items of value, it's worth also getting household insurance, which is different, and covers you against theft, fire damage etc (which the liability insurance doesn't cover you for).

Hope this helps.

Charlie, Sep 12, 2022 @ 12:46
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Re: RC insurance when renting
Post 2

Hi Pranav,

This relates to a "private liability insurance" which is not mandatory by law but can be required by contract depending on Canton. Geneva is one Canton where it is generally required as part of rental contracts.

Its a standard policy that covers breakages, glass/windows, damage etc... some even cover you outside the apartment for injury /damage etc you might cause to others or property. This means you are covered should your damages exceed the deposit you will have paid on your apartment.

Most insurance companies offer this. Axa / Helvetia / Alliance / etc 

If you look on www.Comparis.ch, you will be able to get quotes and set up a policy quickly to adhere to your rental contract obligations.

If you have any items of value, it's worth also getting household insurance, which is different, and covers you against theft, fire damage etc (which the liability insurance doesn't cover you for).

Hope this helps.

Sep 12, 22 12:46

As a add on to my above post, comparis doesn't show liability insurance (sorry I thought it did) , but if you do a generic google search for "liability insurance in Geneva" a few options will come up...

For example with Axa you should be looking to pay something between 80 and 200 CHF per year depending on level of cover (ie CHF 5m or more) and whether or not you want insurance against loss of your keys, fire, explosions, emergency tradesmen help etc, and the level of deductable you choose.

The text you are quoting:

As a add on to my above post, comparis doesn't show liability insurance (sorry I thought it did) , but if you do a generic google search for "liability insurance in Geneva" a few options will come up...

For example with Axa you should be looking to pay something between 80 and 200 CHF per year depending on level of cover (ie CHF 5m or more) and whether or not you want insurance against loss of your keys, fire, explosions, emergency tradesmen help etc, and the level of deductable you choose.

Charlie, Sep 12, 2022 @ 13:18
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