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Looking for a job in Gva

Hello, I was based in Uruguay before and only 2 out of 10 partners of my expat colleagues could find a job so I was wondering if here is any different.

They all have colleague degrees, from accounting to marketing but they barely got an interview and the few that actually received an offer, turned out to be for entry level positions despite all their experience. Unfortunately the opportunities for foreigners are very limited there and after almost a year of searching they just gave up.

Do you think it's easier to find a job in Geneva? 

I'm interested in reading these kind of experiences, specially if there is any wife, boyfriend, etc that has succeeded in finding a job related to his/her career.

hope to hear from you! 



The text you are quoting:

Hello, I was based in Uruguay before and only 2 out of 10 partners of my expat colleagues could find a job so I was wondering if here is any different.

They all have colleague degrees, from accounting to marketing but they barely got an interview and the few that actually received an offer, turned out to be for entry level positions despite all their experience. Unfortunately the opportunities for foreigners are very limited there and after almost a year of searching they just gave up.

Do you think it's easier to find a job in Geneva? 

I'm interested in reading these kind of experiences, specially if there is any wife, boyfriend, etc that has succeeded in finding a job related to his/her career.

hope to hear from you! 



Nayelli RFeb 25, 2015 @ 23:06
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