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Greeting Glocals....US expat implant to Geneva

Hello everyone

My name is Jonathan and ill be moving to Geneva at the end of January 2011. Im from the New England portion of the US so im used to 4 seasons and enjoy being active during each season. I am very pleased to hear that there are a lot of english speakers that reside in Geneva.

I wish to abide by the saying: 'when in Rome, act as the Romans do'. Meaning, when in Switzerland, i would like to act as much Swiss/French as possible. In spite of that, im also American at heart, so that portion of me is probably gonna show...please be patient :)

Given what some of you guys already experienced relocated from your mother country, are there any important tips or learnings that you wish to share? Maybe a top 5 do's and don'ts list? Ill start -

1.) Do not flush your toilet after 23:00.

Annnnd GO!

Thanks in advance to all who read this thread and replied.

The text you are quoting:

Hello everyone

My name is Jonathan and ill be moving to Geneva at the end of January 2011. Im from the New England portion of the US so im used to 4 seasons and enjoy being active during each season. I am very pleased to hear that there are a lot of english speakers that reside in Geneva.

I wish to abide by the saying: 'when in Rome, act as the Romans do'. Meaning, when in Switzerland, i would like to act as much Swiss/French as possible. In spite of that, im also American at heart, so that portion of me is probably gonna show...please be patient :)

Given what some of you guys already experienced relocated from your mother country, are there any important tips or learnings that you wish to share? Maybe a top 5 do's and don'ts list? Ill start -

1.) Do not flush your toilet after 23:00.

Annnnd GO!

Thanks in advance to all who read this thread and replied.

Jonathan TDec 27, 2010 @ 16:45
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