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Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone,

I'll be living in Geneva this summer, and then later on for a more extended period of time, as part of my graduate school program.

I'm an adventurous sort of person when I'm not working too hard :). I look forward to meeting some new people and trying some new things in and around Geneva.

Currently, I'm also searching for housing in the area, so feel free to drop me a line if you have something available (though I'll be checking out the classifieds so it's probably not necessary if you've posted there).



The text you are quoting:

Hello everyone,

I'll be living in Geneva this summer, and then later on for a more extended period of time, as part of my graduate school program.

I'm an adventurous sort of person when I'm not working too hard :). I look forward to meeting some new people and trying some new things in and around Geneva.

Currently, I'm also searching for housing in the area, so feel free to drop me a line if you have something available (though I'll be checking out the classifieds so it's probably not necessary if you've posted there).



Kurt BarryApr 27, 2011 @ 04:18
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