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Hey hey here i am! Salomé, from France, new here in Geneva


I came back to work in switzerland! But i would like to meet so many people, so many culture, because Geneva is the city where you can have so many nationalities!

It's so GREAT!


I would like to improve my spanish, and start learning korean! 


So if somebody wants to go outside, hike, walk, swin, dance, drink a beer  don't hesitate!!


Even if with my work i don't have so much time, i still have day off!!!!

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I came back to work in switzerland! But i would like to meet so many people, so many culture, because Geneva is the city where you can have so many nationalities!

It's so GREAT!


I would like to improve my spanish, and start learning korean! 


So if somebody wants to go outside, hike, walk, swin, dance, drink a beer  don't hesitate!!


Even if with my work i don't have so much time, i still have day off!!!!

Ferrero saloméJul 10, 2014 @ 23:33
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