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Making a new home in Geneva

Greetings, and happy holidays, everyone. My name is Justin Ginnetti, and in a short while (i.e., as quickly as the UN and I can sort through the paperwork) my wife, our baby daughter, and I will be arriving in Geneva.

I'll be working at the UN on climate change and disaster prevention policy. My wife, a veterinarian, will be looking after our six-month-old (at least initially). And our six-month-old will be very busy learning to crawl, walk, speak French and English, swim across Léman, and ride the TPG.

During the summer of 2008, I was a UN intern and lived in the Vieille Ville and then Eaux Vives. We don't yet know where we'll be living this time, but if anyone has suggestiions of great places to live if you are new parents, we're all ears.

We're from the East Coast of the U.S. and have spent the last ten years in grad schools in just about each city between (and including) Philly and Boston--but please don't hold that against us.

We are interested in hiking, fondue, cooking, Gelatomania, watching the World Cup 2010, picnics, and all sorts of adventures. I'm a runner and we have one of those baby-running-strollers, so if there are other running parents of toddlers who'd like to run together with the bambinos, let me know. And my wife does yoga, so if anyone can recommend a good yoga studio, we'd be most grateful for that, too!

Looking forward to meeting you.



The text you are quoting:

Greetings, and happy holidays, everyone. My name is Justin Ginnetti, and in a short while (i.e., as quickly as the UN and I can sort through the paperwork) my wife, our baby daughter, and I will be arriving in Geneva.

I'll be working at the UN on climate change and disaster prevention policy. My wife, a veterinarian, will be looking after our six-month-old (at least initially). And our six-month-old will be very busy learning to crawl, walk, speak French and English, swim across Léman, and ride the TPG.

During the summer of 2008, I was a UN intern and lived in the Vieille Ville and then Eaux Vives. We don't yet know where we'll be living this time, but if anyone has suggestiions of great places to live if you are new parents, we're all ears.

We're from the East Coast of the U.S. and have spent the last ten years in grad schools in just about each city between (and including) Philly and Boston--but please don't hold that against us.

We are interested in hiking, fondue, cooking, Gelatomania, watching the World Cup 2010, picnics, and all sorts of adventures. I'm a runner and we have one of those baby-running-strollers, so if there are other running parents of toddlers who'd like to run together with the bambinos, let me know. And my wife does yoga, so if anyone can recommend a good yoga studio, we'd be most grateful for that, too!

Looking forward to meeting you.



Justin GJan 6, 2010 @ 13:34
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Re: Making a new home in Geneva
Post 1

Hi Justin,

Welcome back to Geneva in advance, I hope the move goes smoothly. 

I just got back to Geneva as well, after spending a semester teaching at Berkeley.  My fiance', Claudio, is a physicist at Cern and I am finishing my dissertation in Italian Studies. 

While I'm not a new parent, I do know that Carouge seems like a very good place for new parents and children (our neighbors have two young ones).  However, I'm sure there are also other good places for a new family to live. 

I just noticed that there was a discussion about yoga classes, and thought this might be good for your wife to read: http://www.glocals.com/#/forums/geneva/where-how-in-geneva/Re--Yoga-class-recommendation-81248.htm

I practice yoga regularly myself and I went to Inner City Yoga a few years ago.  It's a lovely place, only that it was a little too expensive for a grad student's salary... At the moment I'm following yoga classes on demand from www.yogaglo.com.  It's a studio in Santa Monica, CA, and you pay only $18 a month.  It might be a good option at the beginning, while your wife gets settled and still wants to practice...



The text you are quoting:

Hi Justin,

Welcome back to Geneva in advance, I hope the move goes smoothly. 

I just got back to Geneva as well, after spending a semester teaching at Berkeley.  My fiance', Claudio, is a physicist at Cern and I am finishing my dissertation in Italian Studies. 

While I'm not a new parent, I do know that Carouge seems like a very good place for new parents and children (our neighbors have two young ones).  However, I'm sure there are also other good places for a new family to live. 

I just noticed that there was a discussion about yoga classes, and thought this might be good for your wife to read: http://www.glocals.com/#/forums/geneva/where-how-in-geneva/Re--Yoga-class-recommendation-81248.htm

I practice yoga regularly myself and I went to Inner City Yoga a few years ago.  It's a lovely place, only that it was a little too expensive for a grad student's salary... At the moment I'm following yoga classes on demand from www.yogaglo.com.  It's a studio in Santa Monica, CA, and you pay only $18 a month.  It might be a good option at the beginning, while your wife gets settled and still wants to practice...



janaya l, Jan 7, 2010 @ 12:45
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