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Summer in Geneva!

Hello glocals community,

I will be working in Geneva this summer in global environmental policy and participating in the Duke University program in international policy. I am new to Geneva, and to Europe and am eager to learn more about the area and meet other like-minded people. I love being outside and doing pretty much all outdoor activities. I love eating really good food and I am interested in traveling on the weekends...

But first I need a place to live - don't really mind commuting from outside Geneva (even France) and am open to suggestions for the most economic option!



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Hello glocals community,

I will be working in Geneva this summer in global environmental policy and participating in the Duke University program in international policy. I am new to Geneva, and to Europe and am eager to learn more about the area and meet other like-minded people. I love being outside and doing pretty much all outdoor activities. I love eating really good food and I am interested in traveling on the weekends...

But first I need a place to live - don't really mind commuting from outside Geneva (even France) and am open to suggestions for the most economic option!



Stephanie DashiellFeb 23, 2010 @ 17:49
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Re: Summer in Geneva!
Post 1

Hi Stephanie,

It is difficult to give an appropriate living suggestion for Geneva because it's very dependent on what type of person you are, what matters to you most during the time you are here, and whether you will have a car. The vacancy rate for rooms/apartments is low. It's good that you are thinking about this in advance.

I can only speak for myself so I don't know if this will help you out specifically, but others might be interested so I'll post this; for me the priority list was summarized in this way:

- Access to frequent public transportation, late into the night on weekends.

- Somewhere between work and the city, preferably equidistant to both

- At a reasonable cost and size (after a while I began to accept Geneva averages [= $$] as reasonable)

- Wanted a place to myself

So France wasn't an acceptable option; even though the cost/size ratio was better, the frequency of public transportation was, for me, unacceptable.




The text you are quoting:

Hi Stephanie,

It is difficult to give an appropriate living suggestion for Geneva because it's very dependent on what type of person you are, what matters to you most during the time you are here, and whether you will have a car. The vacancy rate for rooms/apartments is low. It's good that you are thinking about this in advance.

I can only speak for myself so I don't know if this will help you out specifically, but others might be interested so I'll post this; for me the priority list was summarized in this way:

- Access to frequent public transportation, late into the night on weekends.

- Somewhere between work and the city, preferably equidistant to both

- At a reasonable cost and size (after a while I began to accept Geneva averages [= $$] as reasonable)

- Wanted a place to myself

So France wasn't an acceptable option; even though the cost/size ratio was better, the frequency of public transportation was, for me, unacceptable.




pnaik, Feb 23, 2010 @ 20:17
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Re: Summer in Geneva!
Post 2

@pnaik - Yeah, what he said. It really does depend on how long you're here for.. if it's worthwhile to pick up a car, go for it. Otherwise, public trans is better here than most places I've ever been. My advice: Be prepared to settle.

Good luck with your search and if you want some more advice/tips/to hang out and make a friend when you get here, shoot me a message.


The text you are quoting:

@pnaik - Yeah, what he said. It really does depend on how long you're here for.. if it's worthwhile to pick up a car, go for it. Otherwise, public trans is better here than most places I've ever been. My advice: Be prepared to settle.

Good luck with your search and if you want some more advice/tips/to hang out and make a friend when you get here, shoot me a message.


TheMoney, Feb 26, 2010 @ 14:41
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