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Global Forums > Travel > Anyone driving to Paris Thur 26th March 09, I need a lift thanks
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Anyone driving to Paris Thur 26th March 09, I need a lift thanks
Hi all,

I live in Basel and wondered if anyone was driving to Paris and want to split costs or know a cheap way to get there as the train is 260 CHF!!! I need a lift Thur 26th March 09.


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Hi all,

I live in Basel and wondered if anyone was driving to Paris and want to split costs or know a cheap way to get there as the train is 260 CHF!!! I need a lift Thur 26th March 09.

gdunraveMar 18, 2009 @ 21:59

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Re: Anyone driving to Paris Thur 26th March 09, I need a lift thanks
Post 1
You could try hitchhiking if you don't find anyone to give you a lift. I crossed the border to Mulhouse a couple years ago with a friend, went to a gas station just before the town and had a foldup sign that read "Nous allons à Paris". My french was non-existent at the time.

It took me a day to get there, but I did. In any event, stick to gas stations. You can ask people if they're going that way, besides the obvious fact that hitchhiking on the highway is forbidden.

Good luck and safe travels.


The text you are quoting:
You could try hitchhiking if you don't find anyone to give you a lift. I crossed the border to Mulhouse a couple years ago with a friend, went to a gas station just before the town and had a foldup sign that read "Nous allons à Paris". My french was non-existent at the time.

It took me a day to get there, but I did. In any event, stick to gas stations. You can ask people if they're going that way, besides the obvious fact that hitchhiking on the highway is forbidden.

Good luck and safe travels.

Nina_Sky, Mar 18, 2009 @ 23:30

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