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Volunteers Wanted - Feed The Needy
Volunteers Wanted - Feed The Needy Picture
Saturday, April 19th, 2014 @ 09:00
, Geneva
This week, consider joining our fundraising dinner on Wednesday as well: http://www.glocals.com/things-to-do/geneva/68937.htm

Wanted: Volunteers for “Feed the Needy” of Geneva

What’s going on: We are looking for volunteers to contribute a little of their time to help feed the homeless and needy of Geneva. Volunteers contribute their time. No special skills or language ability is required.

When: From 08h45 until 14h30

Where: In an old converted restaurant, just behind the Cornavin railway station in Geneva.

How: We start with a trip to the local shops to buy groceries (paid for by our sponsors, not by the volunteers), and then prepare and cook the meal, which is supervised by our Master chefs. We serve our 150 - 200 hungry guests at 12h00 and then clear up (pas de panique, they wash their own dishes ;-). Afterwards the volunteers relax together over a drink or a meal.

Signup: Please send me a message through Glocals and I will confirm back to you later in the week. Please remember to put ‘Feed the Needy’ in the message title! If you have a mobile phone number, please include it to help us contact you if necessary.

Things to note:
- The number of volunteers is limited because of kitchen space.
- Signups are only taken via Glocals message, not by posting a comment.
- Each volunteer needs to send a message themselves from their account.
- Please do not include any special requests.
- Please be patient as confirmations are sent midweek.
- Sending a message does not guarantee you will be invited to volunteer.
- Apologies if all this seems too complicated, please understand this activity is organised by volunteers in their spare time.

Thanks for making a difference!

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