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Global Forums > Ski / Snowboarding > Winter is coming...
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Winter is coming...

Well, it's actually over and we missed a good part of the skiing season...

But, hey, let's be grateful for everything we got already. Since many of us spend time on the slopes, share rides, wonder how to spend more time outdoors, how to meet new people up in the mountains, we're doing a study with a friend from the University on some of the habits of the Geneva - and Glocals - community.

I would need your help to answer a 2 minutes survey (I promise it's super short).

It's for a good cause and we're really grateful for your help!




The text you are quoting:

Well, it's actually over and we missed a good part of the skiing season...

But, hey, let's be grateful for everything we got already. Since many of us spend time on the slopes, share rides, wonder how to spend more time outdoors, how to meet new people up in the mountains, we're doing a study with a friend from the University on some of the habits of the Geneva - and Glocals - community.

I would need your help to answer a 2 minutes survey (I promise it's super short).

It's for a good cause and we're really grateful for your help!




Razvan AJun 2, 2020 @ 16:58
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