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Forums in Basel > Basel > I Collect License Plates and I'd Like To Buy a Used One From GL and UR
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I Collect License Plates and I'd Like To Buy a Used One From GL and UR

Hello Everyone:

Just joined today.  I'm a world-wide license plate collector.  From Switzerland, I collect 2-line temporary license plates.  I'm trying to get one from every canton.  I have all except Glarus (GL) and Uri (UR).  Any chance that anyone out there has either of these and would be willing to sell them to me.


Mark  W

Utah, USA

The text you are quoting:

Hello Everyone:

Just joined today.  I'm a world-wide license plate collector.  From Switzerland, I collect 2-line temporary license plates.  I'm trying to get one from every canton.  I have all except Glarus (GL) and Uri (UR).  Any chance that anyone out there has either of these and would be willing to sell them to me.


Mark  W

Utah, USA

Mark WallentineSep 10, 2015 @ 21:17
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