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Global Forums > Exchange Things > Tandem Spanish/French - German/English in Basel region
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Tandem Spanish/French - German/English in Basel region


I am a 47-year old Swiss/American - born and bred in Switzerland, but travelled internationally, and love languages. After many, (many, many) years of intending to improve my Spanish (but never getting around to doing so), I would love to improve my spoken Spanish.

My mother tongues are high German, Swiss German and English - so I can offer these in exchange. I speak French quite fluently, but it is not my mother tongue - so if anybody is interested in a tandem French - English/German, I am open to improve my French as well:-).

It is best to contact me via email ([email protected]). hasta pronto, à bientôt :-)


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I am a 47-year old Swiss/American - born and bred in Switzerland, but travelled internationally, and love languages. After many, (many, many) years of intending to improve my Spanish (but never getting around to doing so), I would love to improve my spoken Spanish.

My mother tongues are high German, Swiss German and English - so I can offer these in exchange. I speak French quite fluently, but it is not my mother tongue - so if anybody is interested in a tandem French - English/German, I am open to improve my French as well:-).

It is best to contact me via email ([email protected]). hasta pronto, à bientôt :-)


mbwirbelMay 25, 2022 @ 12:33
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