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7 Cracking Brand New Philosophy Books to 'Give' Away

Hi Folks,

I've just got to create more space and will 'give away' 7 brand new philosophy books never ever used.
These are large books and must have cost about 150.-CHF each but I'm asking 10.-CHF per book.

1. Being and Nothingness - Jean-Paul Sartre
2. A Theory of Justice - John Rawls
3. The Protestent Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism - Max Weber
4. Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzsche
5. Connaitre en Citations - David Hume
6. The Roots of Existential Therapy - Heidegger
7. Rules and Institutions - Wittgenstein

If a philiosophy student or just someone who loves philiosophy want to take the package, they're yours for 50.-CHF


The text you are quoting:

Hi Folks,

I've just got to create more space and will 'give away' 7 brand new philosophy books never ever used.
These are large books and must have cost about 150.-CHF each but I'm asking 10.-CHF per book.

1. Being and Nothingness - Jean-Paul Sartre
2. A Theory of Justice - John Rawls
3. The Protestent Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism - Max Weber
4. Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzsche
5. Connaitre en Citations - David Hume
6. The Roots of Existential Therapy - Heidegger
7. Rules and Institutions - Wittgenstein

If a philiosophy student or just someone who loves philiosophy want to take the package, they're yours for 50.-CHF


David LOct 17, 2018 @ 21:22
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