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Howdy folks, 

I had a look through the forum and couldn't find the information I'm looking for. A bit complicated but any advice would be most helpful.

I'm British, my girlfriend is Franco-Swiss. I currently live in France. I'm moving to the canton of Bern by myself in a week to work. Then in August my girlfriend and I would like to relocate to Haute-Savoie to be closer to her family. 

I'd like to continue to practice as a physiotherapist in Switzerland whilst living in France in August.

Already looked on both the French, Swiss and British authorities websites and this particular situation isn't well addressed. Any ideas of what might be the case for me?

TLDR// Does anyone know what the situation for cross-border workers will be for British Citizens living in France?

The text you are quoting:

Howdy folks, 

I had a look through the forum and couldn't find the information I'm looking for. A bit complicated but any advice would be most helpful.

I'm British, my girlfriend is Franco-Swiss. I currently live in France. I'm moving to the canton of Bern by myself in a week to work. Then in August my girlfriend and I would like to relocate to Haute-Savoie to be closer to her family. 

I'd like to continue to practice as a physiotherapist in Switzerland whilst living in France in August.

Already looked on both the French, Swiss and British authorities websites and this particular situation isn't well addressed. Any ideas of what might be the case for me?

TLDR// Does anyone know what the situation for cross-border workers will be for British Citizens living in France?

Francis McGuireJan 15, 2020 @ 23:57
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