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Brexit and CH

Just received the latest on-line news letter from James Savage of The Local.

Rights of UK nationals living in Switzerland

EU rights of free movement currently allow British citizens living in the Alpine nation the right to free movement and to work in the country for a determined period of time. Switzerland is not an EU country, but under its 1999 package of seven bilaterals with the EU, free movement for EU citizens is included. A separate agreement would need to be reached for UK citizens to continue to enjoy these rights. 

“The citizens’ rights agreement reached in December does not cover UK nationals living in Switzerland. The UK is currently negotiating with Switzerland with the aim of securing a deal on citizens’ rights similar to the one agreed between the UK and EU,” states the UK government

The text you are quoting:

Just received the latest on-line news letter from James Savage of The Local.

Rights of UK nationals living in Switzerland

EU rights of free movement currently allow British citizens living in the Alpine nation the right to free movement and to work in the country for a determined period of time. Switzerland is not an EU country, but under its 1999 package of seven bilaterals with the EU, free movement for EU citizens is included. A separate agreement would need to be reached for UK citizens to continue to enjoy these rights. 

“The citizens’ rights agreement reached in December does not cover UK nationals living in Switzerland. The UK is currently negotiating with Switzerland with the aim of securing a deal on citizens’ rights similar to the one agreed between the UK and EU,” states the UK government

sheila cAug 31, 2018 @ 16:14
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