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Can I have a friend sell a car on my behalf?

Hi glocals crew. 

Quick question, I am due to be leaving Gevena and need to sell our car. However, due to work travel I am not physically in Geneva much. Is it possible for a friend to process the sale of our car? What does that mean for grey-cards and car handover etc? I can imagine a potential buyer may be put-off if its a private sale and the person they meet isnt the actual owner. 

Would love to hear any advice. 


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Hi glocals crew. 

Quick question, I am due to be leaving Gevena and need to sell our car. However, due to work travel I am not physically in Geneva much. Is it possible for a friend to process the sale of our car? What does that mean for grey-cards and car handover etc? I can imagine a potential buyer may be put-off if its a private sale and the person they meet isnt the actual owner. 

Would love to hear any advice. 


Colin SSep 15, 2018 @ 21:41
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