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Market research for a vegan start-up idea (survey)

Hello! Would you believe over 60% of our survey respondents so far confirmed they're more likely to go to a restaurant that has more plant-based options!

My partner and I are conducting some market research for a start-up idea to promote more sustainable, vegan alternatives (plant-based meats, dairy, etc.) in cafés/restaurants/supermarkets across Switzerland. We'd really appreciate 5-minutes of your time to complete the following survey https://forms.gle/mNunaKZZxE83JgDB8.

It's completely anonymous but there's an option to leave your contact details as we're looking to connect with anyone in the vegan food manufacturing and retail business. Any questions, feel free to PM us. Thanks so much!
The text you are quoting:

Hello! Would you believe over 60% of our survey respondents so far confirmed they're more likely to go to a restaurant that has more plant-based options!

My partner and I are conducting some market research for a start-up idea to promote more sustainable, vegan alternatives (plant-based meats, dairy, etc.) in cafés/restaurants/supermarkets across Switzerland. We'd really appreciate 5-minutes of your time to complete the following survey https://forms.gle/mNunaKZZxE83JgDB8.

It's completely anonymous but there's an option to leave your contact details as we're looking to connect with anyone in the vegan food manufacturing and retail business. Any questions, feel free to PM us. Thanks so much!

Lorna MSep 15, 2020 @ 15:43
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