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So how was the flash mob???
am dying to find out...come on, tell us...
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am dying to find out...come on, tell us...
Nir OfekOct 8, 2005 @ 16:58
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Re: So how was the flash mob???
Post 1
a GREAT we (so far). I just got home after this amazing day spent out, hanging out

with all the guys. And it started last night at Baroque bar and B'Club... the flashmob (we have to organise a new one soon), le caf? en terrasse en Vieille Ville.... lunch in a very good Thai restaurant.... the salsa class with a really nice and cool teacher (and my fabulous partner Ulli)... but I'm really bad at Salsa :-))))

Thank you so much Ulli for putting together the all friday night party

Merci Stephan pour ton originalit? et ton sens de l'humour

Bonne nuit...
The text you are quoting:
a GREAT we (so far). I just got home after this amazing day spent out, hanging out

with all the guys. And it started last night at Baroque bar and B'Club... the flashmob (we have to organise a new one soon), le caf? en terrasse en Vieille Ville.... lunch in a very good Thai restaurant.... the salsa class with a really nice and cool teacher (and my fabulous partner Ulli)... but I'm really bad at Salsa :-))))

Thank you so much Ulli for putting together the all friday night party

Merci Stephan pour ton originalit? et ton sens de l'humour

Bonne nuit...
Phoebe, Oct 9, 2005 @ 02:34
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