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Being a dutiful little citizen, when posters ask us to complete surveys, I very often participate. However, and here comes the crunch, when we comes to the part which asks how much your household earns, or what is your annual weath or income, automatically shut down immediately. None of their business and why is it that this is often included in these surveys? Do others find intrusive questions of this nature a huge no-no?

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Being a dutiful little citizen, when posters ask us to complete surveys, I very often participate. However, and here comes the crunch, when we comes to the part which asks how much your household earns, or what is your annual weath or income, automatically shut down immediately. None of their business and why is it that this is often included in these surveys? Do others find intrusive questions of this nature a huge no-no?

sheila cApr 29, 2019 @ 13:21
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