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stepping back from organising - drained late chilckens expecting to be chased


Sometimes I post activities because I want to share something fun I found. I do not particularly like organising as such. 

After a break, I started organising activities again, but now step back, because repeatedly, once you set the activity up, late comers expect you, as the organiser, to chase after them throughout the activity, with either calls, or interuptions, until, as the organiser, I can not enjoy where I am or what you are doing. 

Through difficult years, I often ran late myself - so I understand people can be late, but then to expect someone to stop their enjoyment of the activity to run after you as a latecomer??? - you break their time, and if there is more than one person running late expecting VIP treatment - it can be draining - I already have a child... I am a single working Mum - that hour or so or an activity is sometimes the only, and total time I have to switch off in the week - so, after frustrating activities, I have concluded I do not have the energy to chase late chickens, or repeately set limts throughout, just so I can enjoy the activity I organised. 

So if you want people to organise activities, remember that they want to enjoy the activity too. and may have limited energy and time, and don't expect another adult to chase after you, especially if you are late.

Appreciate you all,


The text you are quoting:


Sometimes I post activities because I want to share something fun I found. I do not particularly like organising as such. 

After a break, I started organising activities again, but now step back, because repeatedly, once you set the activity up, late comers expect you, as the organiser, to chase after them throughout the activity, with either calls, or interuptions, until, as the organiser, I can not enjoy where I am or what you are doing. 

Through difficult years, I often ran late myself - so I understand people can be late, but then to expect someone to stop their enjoyment of the activity to run after you as a latecomer??? - you break their time, and if there is more than one person running late expecting VIP treatment - it can be draining - I already have a child... I am a single working Mum - that hour or so or an activity is sometimes the only, and total time I have to switch off in the week - so, after frustrating activities, I have concluded I do not have the energy to chase late chickens, or repeately set limts throughout, just so I can enjoy the activity I organised. 

So if you want people to organise activities, remember that they want to enjoy the activity too. and may have limited energy and time, and don't expect another adult to chase after you, especially if you are late.

Appreciate you all,


ElizabethMH HFeb 11, 2024 @ 22:28
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