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vested benefits bank for americans?


i am a frontalier, and i have had a retirement account with UBS (one of glocals sponsors, sorry!) for 20 years. They dumped me this week because they will not allow US people to hold shares because of FATCA. Their advice was to call around to see if any other bank would allow me to open an account. Otherwise they will let me keep my retirement savings there for a negative interest rate of 0.01%! Thanks UBS!

Since I know from past experience that I can waste a lot of time going from bank to bank hearing the word "No", I thought maybe someone was in a similar situation? Otherwise any banks in France? This is an actual nightmare!

Many thanks if you have a suggestion!!

The text you are quoting:


i am a frontalier, and i have had a retirement account with UBS (one of glocals sponsors, sorry!) for 20 years. They dumped me this week because they will not allow US people to hold shares because of FATCA. Their advice was to call around to see if any other bank would allow me to open an account. Otherwise they will let me keep my retirement savings there for a negative interest rate of 0.01%! Thanks UBS!

Since I know from past experience that I can waste a lot of time going from bank to bank hearing the word "No", I thought maybe someone was in a similar situation? Otherwise any banks in France? This is an actual nightmare!

Many thanks if you have a suggestion!!

d sFeb 4, 2020 @ 11:04
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