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Forums in Geneva > Geneva > Cattery & Kennel
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Cattery & Kennel

Can anyone recommend any of the following please (needed end of June):

- Cattey that has individual spaces (it seems most just have a large room/outdoor space for all to share)....For a timid house cat.

- Kennel that does or doesn't have individual space.... For a friendly German pointer who loves everyone!

- Good value animal sitters

We're in Nyon so anywhere from Lausanne to Geneva and even across the border will work

Many Thanks!


The text you are quoting:

Can anyone recommend any of the following please (needed end of June):

- Cattey that has individual spaces (it seems most just have a large room/outdoor space for all to share)....For a timid house cat.

- Kennel that does or doesn't have individual space.... For a friendly German pointer who loves everyone!

- Good value animal sitters

We're in Nyon so anywhere from Lausanne to Geneva and even across the border will work

Many Thanks!


Paul HawksworthJun 13, 2021 @ 10:53
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