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Creche regulations? Child moved to another group without any warning

Dear all,

our creche  Pop e Poppa La Louchette in Cologny has without any warning moved our daughter to another group and she is struggling a lot to adapt to the new environment and closing herself. 

Is there any regulation on how a private creche should operate? Our creche Pop e Poppa La Louchette in Cologny is  treating our daughter like a piece of box which they can move around to optimize their profits. the moved her to a new class without telling us. She knew nobody.

First they told us they did to put her in the same age group of kids she would enter school with. 

This is a lie as i know there are other kids which are exactly the same age like her.

Thenbthey told us it was due to her adaption issues when she first entered the creche which were purely due to her getting a lot sick in the beginning and therefore not being in the creche. Since then everything Was fine. It is therefore complete nonsense. In addition why would you force a child to be re-exposed to a complete new environment..? I have been shocked and disappointed by the way the management (Vanessa Guidi and Nathalie Ageron-Blanc) have been operating.

does anyone have any experience in this area on what can be done?



The text you are quoting:

Dear all,

our creche  Pop e Poppa La Louchette in Cologny has without any warning moved our daughter to another group and she is struggling a lot to adapt to the new environment and closing herself. 

Is there any regulation on how a private creche should operate? Our creche Pop e Poppa La Louchette in Cologny is  treating our daughter like a piece of box which they can move around to optimize their profits. the moved her to a new class without telling us. She knew nobody.

First they told us they did to put her in the same age group of kids she would enter school with. 

This is a lie as i know there are other kids which are exactly the same age like her.

Thenbthey told us it was due to her adaption issues when she first entered the creche which were purely due to her getting a lot sick in the beginning and therefore not being in the creche. Since then everything Was fine. It is therefore complete nonsense. In addition why would you force a child to be re-exposed to a complete new environment..? I have been shocked and disappointed by the way the management (Vanessa Guidi and Nathalie Ageron-Blanc) have been operating.

does anyone have any experience in this area on what can be done?



mika80Oct 19, 2014 @ 18:11
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Re: Creche regulations? Child moved to another group without any warning
Post 1

Dear all,

our creche  Pop e Poppa La Louchette in Cologny has without any warning moved our daughter to another group and she is struggling a lot to adapt to the new environment and closing herself. 

Is there any regulation on how a private creche should operate? Our creche Pop e Poppa La Louchette in Cologny is  treating our daughter like a piece of box which they can move around to optimize their profits. the moved her to a new class without telling us. She knew nobody.

First they told us they did to put her in the same age group of kids she would enter school with. 

This is a lie as i know there are other kids which are exactly the same age like her.

Thenbthey told us it was due to her adaption issues when she first entered the creche which were purely due to her getting a lot sick in the beginning and therefore not being in the creche. Since then everything Was fine. It is therefore complete nonsense. In addition why would you force a child to be re-exposed to a complete new environment..? I have been shocked and disappointed by the way the management (Vanessa Guidi and Nathalie Ageron-Blanc) have been operating.

does anyone have any experience in this area on what can be done?



Oct 19, 14 18:11

There might be some law about this, but if you need to attack the crech with a lawyer, you better just move your daughter out. 

The story you details sounds bad indeed: just moving the child out without any consulation with the parents and without any preparation of the child isn't the way it should be done. 

Did you already ask for a personal meeting with the director to explain your concerns to him/her?

The text you are quoting:

There might be some law about this, but if you need to attack the crech with a lawyer, you better just move your daughter out. 

The story you details sounds bad indeed: just moving the child out without any consulation with the parents and without any preparation of the child isn't the way it should be done. 

Did you already ask for a personal meeting with the director to explain your concerns to him/her?

Nir Ofek, Oct 19, 2014 @ 20:46
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