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A founding member is back and vaccinated (twice!)

Hello everybody! I hope this intro finds you well and safe!

I introduced myself shyly in this forum about ...16 years ago. Organized and attended a bunch of parties back then whose shameless pictures are still lingering around. Duties, relationships and life called me to attend other priorities. Geneva changed, people moved on and the covid moved in. Life. 

Now, I'm back on the local frontline and catching up with my network and hoping to refresh it with some new faces.

Oh, and yeah I've been vaccinated twice. Moderna and Sputnik. And нет I don't shine in the dark LOL! 

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Hello everybody! I hope this intro finds you well and safe!

I introduced myself shyly in this forum about ...16 years ago. Organized and attended a bunch of parties back then whose shameless pictures are still lingering around. Duties, relationships and life called me to attend other priorities. Geneva changed, people moved on and the covid moved in. Life. 

Now, I'm back on the local frontline and catching up with my network and hoping to refresh it with some new faces.

Oh, and yeah I've been vaccinated twice. Moderna and Sputnik. And нет I don't shine in the dark LOL! 

swisskissMay 5, 2021 @ 20:40
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