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Board game group

Wingspan? Pandemic? Caverna? 7th Continent?  
Do any of these board games ring a bell will you? 

I am looking for English/French/German speakers who, like me, enjoy modern board games and wouild like to meet regularly, either in a board game store, café, board game evening organised by joca.ch, or elsewhere to play modern board games. 

No, we can't meet just yet, thanks to the actual pandemic, but feel free to contact me now or at a later stage. 

I am a middle-aged wasp-ish German who has been living in Geneva for 17 years, work as a coach, and enjoy playing games for fun and entertainment, not for cut-throat competion.  

The text you are quoting:

Wingspan? Pandemic? Caverna? 7th Continent?  
Do any of these board games ring a bell will you? 

I am looking for English/French/German speakers who, like me, enjoy modern board games and wouild like to meet regularly, either in a board game store, café, board game evening organised by joca.ch, or elsewhere to play modern board games. 

No, we can't meet just yet, thanks to the actual pandemic, but feel free to contact me now or at a later stage. 

I am a middle-aged wasp-ish German who has been living in Geneva for 17 years, work as a coach, and enjoy playing games for fun and entertainment, not for cut-throat competion.  

Jens BAMMELNov 3, 2020 @ 11:38
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