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I would like to improve my emotional intelligence

Hi, my name is Marcos, I'm a Spaniard living in Geneva region for more than 10 years. Though science pays my bills I got recently interested in the world of emotions, emotional intelligence, couple psychology, personal growth. I want to learn from people's experiences, how you approach love relationships, how you grew internally. Books, tips, meetings, everything welcomed. I'm interested in discussing about this in small groups of people over a cup of coffee. Write me if you would like to join.

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Hi, my name is Marcos, I'm a Spaniard living in Geneva region for more than 10 years. Though science pays my bills I got recently interested in the world of emotions, emotional intelligence, couple psychology, personal growth. I want to learn from people's experiences, how you approach love relationships, how you grew internally. Books, tips, meetings, everything welcomed. I'm interested in discussing about this in small groups of people over a cup of coffee. Write me if you would like to join.

Marcos FGJan 15, 2020 @ 21:40
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