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Landing in Geneva...

First off thanks to whoever came up with this site idea and made it. Sounds like a great and active site so far...with a lot of lovely people ;)

What is also great about it is the diversity of people in it...which is pretty representative of Geneva itself...

As for me, well Geneva is my 6th place and I hope to settle down here for quite some time...it all depends on how attractive i find it (I'm counting on you to help me out with this...because so far....c'est la cata :)

6th place i said? Yes... borned in Lebanon (land of cedars), raised in Belgium (land of french fries and belgian waffles), spent a couple of years in Tunisia (land of hmmm....nothing came up to my mind yet), back to Beirut for 6 years (wonderful night life), 4 years in Seattle (land of Starbucks), 2 years in Casablanca Morocco (land of excellent Tajines) and finally landing in Geneva...

It's been great moving around...get to discover new landscapes but specially to have new eyes (that's from my Philosophy 101 class :)

What better place to land now than Geneva? I've been told it's an international city with people from different places...Well...so far I didn't find them :(

I'm probably looking in the wrong places...counting on you to help me out on this ;)

What brought me in Geneva? Ex-consultant with Microsoft, I've taken an IT Manager position in a great local startup...

Well...that was me in a nutshell...

See you soon...


The text you are quoting:

First off thanks to whoever came up with this site idea and made it. Sounds like a great and active site so far...with a lot of lovely people ;)

What is also great about it is the diversity of people in it...which is pretty representative of Geneva itself...

As for me, well Geneva is my 6th place and I hope to settle down here for quite some time...it all depends on how attractive i find it (I'm counting on you to help me out with this...because so far....c'est la cata :)

6th place i said? Yes... borned in Lebanon (land of cedars), raised in Belgium (land of french fries and belgian waffles), spent a couple of years in Tunisia (land of hmmm....nothing came up to my mind yet), back to Beirut for 6 years (wonderful night life), 4 years in Seattle (land of Starbucks), 2 years in Casablanca Morocco (land of excellent Tajines) and finally landing in Geneva...

It's been great moving around...get to discover new landscapes but specially to have new eyes (that's from my Philosophy 101 class :)

What better place to land now than Geneva? I've been told it's an international city with people from different places...Well...so far I didn't find them :(

I'm probably looking in the wrong places...counting on you to help me out on this ;)

What brought me in Geneva? Ex-consultant with Microsoft, I've taken an IT Manager position in a great local startup...

Well...that was me in a nutshell...

See you soon...


momaliSep 22, 2005 @ 00:36
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Re: Landing in Geneva...
Post 1
I have been to some of the countries you mention. I was in Tunisia a few months ago and well yes, its like you describe it........hmmm

Well im getting a resident permit from there.

Welcome to Geneva, its full of every nationality you can think of, and a very diverce culture.


The text you are quoting:
I have been to some of the countries you mention. I was in Tunisia a few months ago and well yes, its like you describe it........hmmm

Well im getting a resident permit from there.

Welcome to Geneva, its full of every nationality you can think of, and a very diverce culture.


ecc801s, Sep 27, 2005 @ 05:08
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