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Looking for a studio (sublet)

Hi everyone,

My name is Willy. I am working as a trainee in political & trade credit insurance in Geneva and got extended until December 31st. I could possibly stay more but I won't know before december I guess.

I am looking to sublet for a studio in Geneva. I can pay 1200 CHF/month, but I would be happy if I could find a apartment for less than 1000CHF. I am open to any offer you may have. The only thing I want is living in Geneva city, I don't want to be dependent on train or to live in France.

Living in a shared flat is also an option, but I can't assure I will stay after december.

Thank you very much in advance for your help,


Willy Grandjean

The text you are quoting:

Hi everyone,

My name is Willy. I am working as a trainee in political & trade credit insurance in Geneva and got extended until December 31st. I could possibly stay more but I won't know before december I guess.

I am looking to sublet for a studio in Geneva. I can pay 1200 CHF/month, but I would be happy if I could find a apartment for less than 1000CHF. I am open to any offer you may have. The only thing I want is living in Geneva city, I don't want to be dependent on train or to live in France.

Living in a shared flat is also an option, but I can't assure I will stay after december.

Thank you very much in advance for your help,


Willy Grandjean

Willy GrandjeanSep 4, 2018 @ 12:02
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