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Global Forums > New Members Introductions > Namaste everyone! I am an amateur yogi who wishes to perform a handstand one day.
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Namaste everyone! I am an amateur yogi who wishes to perform a handstand one day.

I was a High School Math teacher in Thailand and then China before coming here to be with my partner. He works while I study part time online giving me lots of time to have long walks by the lake.

Pre-COVID I was quite active in sports such as badminton, Muay Thai, crossfit, lip syncing for my life, etc. I would however also like to try out other activities such as learning French, performing arts, dancing, water sports and so on. 

I really look forward to meeting some of you beautiful people out there. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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I was a High School Math teacher in Thailand and then China before coming here to be with my partner. He works while I study part time online giving me lots of time to have long walks by the lake.

Pre-COVID I was quite active in sports such as badminton, Muay Thai, crossfit, lip syncing for my life, etc. I would however also like to try out other activities such as learning French, performing arts, dancing, water sports and so on. 

I really look forward to meeting some of you beautiful people out there. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Eric LOct 20, 2021 @ 16:41
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Re: Namaste everyone! I am an amateur yogi who wishes to perform a handstand one day.
Post 1

Hey Eric, Im movin to Geneva because of my masters in August and I would love to practise Yoga in English. Do you have any tips ?



The text you are quoting:

Hey Eric, Im movin to Geneva because of my masters in August and I would love to practise Yoga in English. Do you have any tips ?



David Roeder, May 26, 2023 @ 21:28
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